Soften Your Lips and Save the Honeybees!

Did you know that one third of food we eat depends on bees for pollination?

You might not have given much thought to the role honeybees play in our ecosystem. But fact is, 30% of the fruit- and vegetable-producing plants we rely on to feed our families need honeybee pollination to thrive. That’s why the mysterious disappearance of honeybees known as Colony Collapse Disorder is a critical environmental issue that must be understood…because the without honeybees, our food is at risk.

The U.S. Senate has unanimously approved a resolution to recognize the vital role of pollinators in ecosystem health and agriculture by declaring June 22 - 28 as National Pollinator Week. Burt’s Bees is also doing its part to raise awareness about the disappearing honeybees, in addition to funding research to help find a solution.

This year, you can personally help save the honeybees by buying a tube of Burt’s Bees special edition Beeswax Lip Balm. Five percent of the proceeds will benefit The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) and its Honeybee Health Improvement Project. In addition, you can take action today to help make the planet a healthy place for bees. Click here for a free packet of bee-friendly wildflower seeds that you can plant to give bees a healthy place to live in your neighborhood. And follow this link to find search for local organic farmers who naturally create pesticide-free, bee-friendly environments while providing local communities with healthy fresh produce.

To learn more about Colony Collapse Disorder, visit