Saving Face

Hello, my pretties. Sorry for the lack of posts, as of late. But I have a valid excuse. I've been trying to save face. Literally.

A few days ago, I gave Kate Somerville's 9!! Kit a test drive - before announcing this week's giveaway. But yesterday, my face broke out in an inflamed, itchy rash - and I've spent the past 48 hours either resisting the urge to scratch my face off or rendered unconscious by Benadryl.

You see, I am one of the 1-3% of individuals who are allergic to Benzoyl Peroxide - the active ingredient in Kate Somerville's Anti-Bac Clearing Lotion - as well as numerous acne treatments. The good news is that while my face is looking pretty effed up right now, my doc assures me that it should be back to normal in a few days.

So just a word of warning - from one beauty addict to another: if you're going to use a new product containing Benzoyl Peroxide, do a patch test on your inner arm before slathering said product all over your face.

Acne ain't pretty, ladies. But contact dermatitis is much, much worse.